Over the past weekend, the United States celebrated their Independence Day on July 4th and I celebrated my birthday. I can’t remember the last time I planned anything with a group of people to celebrate my birthday. Even though the planning was a little stressful it...
Schedule a Vacation
Today, I’m encouraging everyone to schedule their own vacation. I also share some of the reasons why business owners don’t take vacations. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by grandsupreem.com.
Do it Differently
Today, I share the importance of doing things differently if we want to have different outcomes. I even share two personal examples of how I’m trying to do things differently with this podcast and my design business. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by...
What if I Don’t Feel Like Doing It
Today marks the 40th episode! For this episode, I thought it would be good to talk about our feelings. Operating a business can make you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. Today, I share what we can do when those feelings stops us from moving forward....
Are You Sure You Want To Do This Now
Last week I didn’t upload an episode. I had every intention of uploading. Something threw me for a loop and caused me to not record. Today, I’m going to share exactly what happened and the lesson I learned. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by...
Bounce Back From Rejection
We all go through some form of rejection. Rejection itself is hard but rejection as a creative can be really hard because it feels like our work is being rejected. Tune in today to learn how you can find the message and meaning behind rejection. Follow at...
The Truth About Rejection
The topic for this episode comes from a fellow freelancer who wanted to know how do you stay motivated after rejection. I thought this was a great topic because we all go through rejection. Tune in as I share four interesting things to learn about rejection. Follow at...
The Number One Myth About Motivation
This week, I want to explore the concept of motivation. What is motivation and why what we believe about it is not true at all? Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by grandsupreem.com.
Consistency is Your Currency
This week, I open up about a personal struggle that I’m still working to overcome. I also share what some of the biggest content creators taught me about money and success. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by grandsupreem.com.
Your Thoughts Matter
After taking a poll, 91% of the people said they wanted to hear an episode about mindset. I was excited because I love talking about all things related to mindset. Tune in as I share why “Your Thoughts Matter”. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by...
I Wish I Would Have Known – Part 4: The Emotions of Running a Business
This week, I share the emotional roller coaster of owning a business. I’ve been through extreme highs and lows. Beware, this episode will cause deep reflection. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by grandsupreem.com.