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You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup
The podcast is officially back! I ended up taking a much longer break than expected. In this episode, I share how burnout affected a large part of my life. I also share three tips I learned that is slowly helping me to heal. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music...
It’s Time to Take a Break
The new year is approaching and like most business owners you’re probably thinking about your goals for next year. I have a suggestion of something to do before you get too deep in setting your goals. Tune in as I share why it’s important to take a break now.
Level Up Now by Getting Back on Track
It’s time for another Level Up Now episode! The goal, of this episode, isn’t to make you feel pressured into finishing the year strong. However, you might’ve recently slowed down more than you expected. Today, I share five tips that can help you get back on track.
How to Use Gratitude to Grow Your Business
Does the holiday season bring you an extra level of financial stress? If so, this episode is for you. I want to share with you four tangible ways gratitude can help you grow your business.
A Quick Update
Today, I’m giving you a quick update about the podcast, and sharing my updated thought around done is better than perfect.
What Will You Create (for yourself) Today
How often do you create for yourself from a sense of freedom and without expectations? In this episode, I share why it’s absolutely crucial that creatives always remember to create for themselves. Follow at instagram.com/creativedba. Music by grandsupreem.com.